407-330-6560 hello@lakesideumc.net


Thank you to the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church for putting together worship today! 


Upcoming at Lakeside


Our Homeless Neighbors Need Our Help

The Christian Sharing Center’s Oasis is the only resource drop-in facility for our homeless neighbors in Seminole County. They help provide warm showers, laundry service, and case management – and are seeing 40 – 50 individuals each day. They are running desperately low on razors, conditioner, men’s shoes and boxer briefs, as well as deodorant. If you have access to these items, please drop-off at their Pantry, Monday – Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. We are so grateful for your support to our homeless neighbors in need!

New Women’s Study- Chasing Vines by Beth Moore

Meets Tuesday mornings at 9am via zoom.  Sign up at LakesideUMC.net/lifegroups

Middle School & High School Groups

 Meet weekly. Please contact Wendy Votino for more information. 

Online VBS- Knights of North Castle 

For more information, please see LakesideUMC.net/kids

Ways to HELP


Grace & Grits 

Because of  concern around the safety of guests and volunteers,  First UMC plans to shift to an additional grocery distribution day instead of a hot meal until at least August of 2020. 

Here are the ways in which we can help: 

  •  If you know anyone in need of grocery assistance, please refer them to First UMC’s  alleyway entrance off of Fifth Street in downtown Sanford either Fridays from 10am-12pm or Sundays from 1pm to 3pm. All are welcome! They provide grains, canned and fresh proteins, bread and pastries, canned and fresh vegetables, fruit, snack foods and occasionally other things acquired from Second Harvest such as orange juice or children’s snack items. Folks are simply required to give their name, family size, and answer preference questions like whether they’d like the additional items available. 
  • The Society of St. Andrew’s gleaning program makes it possible for groups to pick otherwise unused fresh produce to be distributed to folks at their bi-weekly grocery distribution. If you have a group that would like to glean, you can contact Kelly at Society of St Andrew, coordinate a group gleaning, and work with them to drop it off at First UMC at their next available days. 
  • If you are in a low risk group and would like to help distribute food to the community in safe and efficient way, please contact us. First UMC often times need a small group of folks to help with this.
  • If you are in a low risk group and would like to help to sort the food on Thursdays, please contact us.


Florida United Methodist Children’s Home

We will be collecting monetary donations for the Children’s Home between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.  Please make sure your donations are marked with FUMCH.  Thank you so much.  If you are interested in learning more about the great work the Children’s Home is doing, please visit their website at https://www.fumch.org

Non Perishable Food Drive

We are collecting non perishable food items for a few of the local food pantries who are running low on supply.  Please drop off your donations at the church between 10am and 12pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.  You can leave outside of the doors to the church and our staff will bring in and make sure it gets to the food pantries in need.

Atria Pen Pal

When was the last time you had a pen pal? Now is the perfect time to embrace the charm of classic correspondence. Choose one of the story-sharing prompts and share a bit about yourself in a card or letter. Then, locate a community of your choice at AtriaSeniorLiving.com. Address your mail to the attention of “Atria Pen Pals” and they will match you with a resident!

Story telling prompts:

  • What things from today will only be seen in a museum 100 years from now? 
  • What message in a bottle would you send to the year 2120?
  • If you could be instantly transported to any place on earth, where would you go and why? 


Donate Blood

In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, One Blood is in need of blood donations.  They are asking that you make an appointment to help them maintain their social distancing safety protocal.

Click here to make an appointment : https://www.oneblood.org/donate-now/

SCPS Food Pantry Assistance

Below is a list of SCPS schools that are in need of donations to re-stock their Food Pantries for students and their families.

In addition, the Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools is also accepting donations for their Families in Need program, which assists their most-vulnerable and fragile students and families.  Those wishing to assist in that area can visit  The Foundation for SCPS’s COVID-19 Page.

 SCPS-Schools-in-Need-of-Food-Pantry-Items : |PDF|

Food Drive Shopping List: |PDF 

The Picnic Project COVID-19 Relief Fundraiser

 Second Harvest Food Bank has declared The Picnic Project as a Corona Virus Relief Agency and we will be working closely with them and others ensure no one goes hungry during these uncertain times.  

For more information about this fundraiser, please check out their Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/donate/648213262420166/2995507870538823/

Upcoming at Lakeside


New Women’s Study- Chasing Vines by Beth Moore

Meets Tuesday mornings at 9am via zoom.  Sign up at LakesideUMC.net/lifegroups

Middle School & High School Groups

 Meet weekly. Please contact Wendy Votino for more information. 

Online VBS- Knights of North Castle 

For more information, please see LakesideUMC.net/kids



Give a one-time or recurring contribution via credit/debit card or bank draft.
This is a great way to give when you can’t be here in person!


You can give via cash or check through the offering plates at worship services or by mailing your gift to the church.


Send a text message with the amount of your donation to 84321. If this is your first time using text to give you will be guided through a few quick steps for set up.