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Bring In Your Kingdom

Bring In Your Kingdom

The part of the Lord’s Prayer about God’s Kingdom coming and God’s will being done just might challenge us to rethink everything we think we know about heaven, earth, and the storyline of the Bible itself.

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Our Father

Our Father

Prayer is one of the central disciplines to the Christian faith, and yet many people struggle with it. Perhaps that struggle begins with a central question: to whom are we praying?

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The Peace to Trust God

The Peace to Trust God

Mary displays incredible resolve when she accepts the calling to carry Jesus, but it took more than courage. It took a deep sense of peace, and Advent invites us to experience that same peace in our lives.

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Joy That Surprises Us

Joy That Surprises Us

As we continue through the season of Advent, we can ask ourselves: where are we struggling to wait for God to move in our life, and how might we anticipate the joy that comes when God’s promises are fulfilled?

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Love Prepares the Way

Love Prepares the Way

In both Elizabeth and John the Baptist, we see a humble, self-giving love that supported Mary and Jesus. During the season of Advent, we are invited to keep our eyes open for the people in our lives who need our love and support.

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Waiting With Expectant Hope

Waiting With Expectant Hope

Advent does not simply invite us to look back to when Jesus came, but it invites us to look forward in hope to when Jesus will return and make all things new. As we enter Advent, may we do so with our eyes focused on the hope we have in Jesus.

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Questions Are Lenses

Questions Are Lenses

We all have lenses through which we see and interpret the world around us. One of the ways we can become aware of the lenses we and others are looking through is to examine the questions we ask.

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The Table

The Table

The dinner table is where we come to share about our days, be surrounded by our loved ones, and of course eat. It can also be a place where family tensions linger. As Thanksgiving approaches and we prepare our homes and hearts for time with our families, we’ll look to Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth for wisdom.

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A Moment Like This

A Moment Like This

The story of Esther is, in part, a reminder that we can be stewards of the resources, influence, and opportunities we have been given no matter the circumstance.

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Serve Impactfully

Serve Impactfully

As we wrap up our Wesley Rooted series, we embrace the opportunity to continue the centuries-old tradition of Wesleyan Methodists serving impactfully for the Kingdom of God.

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Love Actively

Love Actively

Jesus said that loving God, others, and yourself is the most important commandment from God. And it is through the way that he lived that we can see what this kind of love looks like.

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Read Faithfully

Read Faithfully

The vast majority of Christians, United Methodists included, believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. But what does that mean, and what does it not mean? And how does that meaning affect the way we engage with Scripture and allow it to guide and shape our lives?

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We updated how we present sermons on our website in November 2020.

If you’re looking for a sermon from before then, check out our sermon archive page or check our podcast for older sermons.

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