Through Good Times
It is easy to rely on God in times of need, but how do we stay faithful when we experience God’s abundance?
Through Change
Sometimes change is forced upon us, but sometimes we are invited by God into significant change and we face a choice.
Through Chaos
Is it possible to live with a faith that rejects fear?
Stay In Love With God
Wesley’s final General Rule—Stay in love with God—is the engine that powers everything else.
Do Good
How do I stand for what I believe? What difference can I really make in a world so big and so broken? These are all a part of the discussion around Wesley’s second general rule: do good.
Do No Harm
As the Methodist movement started to grow, John Wesley realized that *how* they did things was as important as *what* they did. And the first rule reflects the truth that we cannot truly do good until we commit to doing no harm.
Kingdom, Power, and Glory
Yours, God, is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever… It is much easier to say than it is to truly live out.
Rescue Us
Jesus’ prayer acknowledges that the testing we face is not as simple as picking the best choice in a vacuum but that we need God’s help to resist competing messages and follow God’s lead.
Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity, and yet our understanding of it is often a bit blurry. Forgiveness is simultaneously far simpler and far more complex than we may realize.
The Bread We Need For Today
Requesting daily bread – something so simple and generally plentiful for many of us. But as we have learned by now, the elements of the Lord’s Prayer may be simple, but they are packed with meaning.
Bring In Your Kingdom
The part of the Lord’s Prayer about God’s Kingdom coming and God’s will being done just might challenge us to rethink everything we think we know about heaven, earth, and the storyline of the Bible itself.
Our Father
Prayer is one of the central disciplines to the Christian faith, and yet many people struggle with it. Perhaps that struggle begins with a central question: to whom are we praying?
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We updated how we present sermons on our website in November 2020.
If you’re looking for a sermon from before then, check out our sermon archive page or check our podcast for older sermons.
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