407-330-6560 hello@lakesideumc.net

Join us as we give thanks to God
and celebrate 25 years of ministry!

Saturday, October 12 | Service Project

We will gather at First United Methodist Church Sanford (419 S. Park Ave.) at 10:00am. We will begin with light refreshments and a devotion highlighting the needs in our local community and the ways in which our churches have partnered to serve our community.

We will then pack Blessing Bags full of essentials for those who are in need. After the bags are completed, we will have the opportunity to go out into the community to distribute bags or help out with some small projects around the missional areas of First UMC’s campus.

Sunday, October 13 | Worship and Celebration

We will host one combined worship service on Sunday morning beginning at 10:00am. This 90-minute service will include special music, stories of God’s faithfulness, and a chance for us to give thanks and celebrate.

Following the worship service, we will share in a fellowship meal, giving us the chance to connect with Lakeside friends old and new!

As part of the Anniversary Weekend, we are asking you to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial donation to Lakeside in honor of 25 years of God’s faithfulness at work in and through our church. Our primary goal is to pay off our mortgage and become debt free! Our stretch goal is to create a strong financial foundation that will allow us to move into the next era of Lakeside UMC with the resources to follow wherever God leads.

Schedule of Events


Saturday Service Project - 10:00AM

There’s no better way to celebrate 25 years of ministry than to serve our community!


Sunday Worship - 10:00AM

We will have one combined worship service on Sunday morning to give thanks to God.


Fellowship Meal - After Worship

We will celebrate with friends old and new by sharing a meal and time together as a community.

Where do I park?

Saturday Service Project at First UMC Sanford
Our service project will occur at First UMC Sanford in downtown Sanford – 419 S. Park Ave. There is street parking in the area around the church and the park across the street.

Sunday at Lakeside UMC
We have a big parking lot, and the rows closest to the building are reserved for visitors. We also have special needs parking nearest to the building and a covered portico for drop off.

Where do I go?

After parking, look for our greeting team by the front door. They will make sure you get where you need to go.

Where do my kids go?

Childcare will be available for infants through two-year-olds if you prefer to let us take care of them while you’re here. Our greeting team can show you where to check them in.

Children 3 and older will be in the service, and we have activity packs to keep them busy. We also have a “Family Room” just outside of the sanctuary that provides a place for them to move while you can still see and hear the service.

What should I wear?

People who attend our services wear everything from suits or dresses to jeans and t-shirts. Wear what will make you most comfortable for church and an outdoor lunch.

What should I bring?

Getting your family to church on a Sunday morning is hard enough. We will take care of the rest. We have Bibles, paper for note taking (or doodling), and activity packs to keep your little ones busy.

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