Holy Thursday Prayer Stations
March 28, 2024
5:30pm – 7:00pm
You are invited to participate in experiential prayer stations that bring the stories to life and powerfully call us to remember the meaning of Christ’s final days before his death and resurrection.
Feel free to come anytime between 5:30-7:00pm. Most folks take about 20-30 minutes to engage the four stations.
Good Friday Worship Service
March 29, 2024
6:30pm at First UMC Sanford
Head downtown to First UMC Sanford’s beautiful sanctuary for a traditional Good Friday “service of darkness.” This moving service engages multiple senses, as we hear, sing, and engage with the story of Christ’s sacrifice for us.
First UMC Sanford is located at 419 S. Park Ave. in downtown Sanford. Street parking is available around the church.