Worship Details
Sermon Info
It’s Laity Sunday!
Please welcome Troy Antonik as he delivers a message on perseverance.
Scripture: Romans 5: 1-11
Songs and Scriptures
Worship Songs
- Mighty to Save
- I Surrender All
- Behold Our God
Psalm Reading
- Psalm 99
Upcoming at Lakeside
Operation Christmas Child!
We’ll be packing boxes again this year to spread joy to children around the globe. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Empty boxes are available for pick up and will need to be returned to the church office by November 1. There is more information and tips to pack the boxes on their website: www.samaritanspurse.org
Lakeside’s Trick or Treat Trail, Saturday October 24, 4-5:30pm.
We are hosting a socially safe Trick or Treat Trail for families. For more information and to sign up to help, please visit LakesideUMC.net/TrickorTreatTrail
Next Steps(via Zoom) – Sunday, November 1 after the Contemporary Service
Once per quarter, we host a gathering for those who are ready to get plugged in here at Lakeside. This is for anyone who wants to learn more about the church, get involved in our ministries, or would like to explore baptism and/or church membership. Please let us know if you are interested: hello@lakesideumc. net or 407-330-6560.
Follow Us on YouTube
Follow our YouTube channel to stay up to date with sermons and more!
Facebook Group
Make sure to join our private Facebook Group to stay connected! We are able to build community, pray for each other, share information and more through the group. Click on the link to join : https://www.facebook.com/groups/lakesideumc/
Ways to Help
The Picnic Project
The Picnic Project need help with sorting and distributing food on Thursday at noon, Friday from 10am – 12pm, and Sunday from 1pm-3pm. Please contact the office at hello@lakesideumc.net if you are interested in helping.
Donate Blood
In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, One Blood is in need of blood donations. They are asking that you make an appointment to help them maintain their social distancing safety protocal.
Click here to make an appointment : https://www.oneblood.org/donate-now/
Our Homeless Neighbors Need Our Help
The Christian Sharing Center’s Oasis is the only resource drop-in facility for our homeless neighbors in Seminole County. They help provide warm showers, laundry service, and case management – and are seeing 40 – 50 individuals each day. They are running desperately low on razors, conditioner, men’s shoes and boxer briefs, as well as deodorant. If you have access to these items, please drop-off at their Pantry, Monday – Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. We are so grateful for your support to our homeless neighbors in need!
SCPS Food Pantry Assistance
Below is a list of SCPS schools that are in need of donations to re-stock their Food Pantries for students and their families.
In addition, the Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools is also accepting donations for their Families in Need program, which assists their most-vulnerable and fragile students and families. Those wishing to assist in that area can visit The Foundation for SCPS’s COVID-19 Page.
SCPS-Schools-in-Need-of-Food-Pantry-Items : |PDF|
Ways to Give
Give Online
Give a one-time or recurring contribution via credit/debit card or bank draft. This is a great way to give when you can't be here in person!
Traditional Methods
You can give via cash or check through the offering plates at worship services or by mailing your gift to the church.