407-330-6560 hello@lakesideumc.net

Dear Friends,

While away on vacation, I just read the horrible news of the night club shooting in Orlando. As Christians, it is vitally important that we stand with our fellow citizens, neighbors and friends against such evil and destruction. Right now, the best way to do this is to do what we can to offer care and support to victims and their families.

The most urgent need is for blood to be given in hopes of saving the lives of the injured. I don’t have access to timely information but I trust you can find out the particulars. Secondly, let us offer comfort and support, the love of Jesus in action, to anyone we know who is being impacted by this act of hateful violence. Listen, talk, share, pray with and on behalf of those affected. This is a time when human beings, whom God made in His image with love and care, are in need of others to show them the love of Christ.

This is a wake up call for all of us to take time to know our neighbors. Invite them over. Talk to them when you get the mail. Share lawn care items and such with them. Get to know what they think and believe and do. Though knowing our neighbors won’t solve terrorism, a strong community can be a defense system that identifies those vulnerable to extremism and those vulnerable to acts of violence of any kind.

Finally, of course, pray! Pray for God to open every heart to the grace and love of God, given us through Jesus Christ, which can make anyone whole, turn hatred to forgiveness, sickness to healing, even death to life. Humanity demonstrates over and over that we are not capable of saving ourselves. We depend on God’s grace to bring peace to our brokenness.

I am confident that God’s Kingdom of love and light will one day express its reign over all! In the meantime, Jesus calls us to replace evil with good. Let us reveal God’s goodness to the world in the way we respond today.

Peace of Jesus to all,
Pastor Cameron